Monday, September 17, 2007

Here's a short quiz....

If “The difference between the lives of the saints and the Gospel is the same as the difference between written and sung music” as a famous saint said. (Hmmm, who could that have been?) Then can you name that tune?

Match up the numbers with the correct letters~

1. Could smell sin
2. The “Little Way”
3. “Let nothing disturb you”
4. the Undercover Priest
5. Heart would not burn
6. Spiritual Exercises
7. Slashed from chin to cheekbone

a. St. Ignatius Loyola
b. St. Teresa of Avila
c. Blessed Migues Augustin Pro
d. Anthony Mary Claret
e. St. Therese of Liseaux
f. St. Joan of Arc
g. St. Bridget of Sweden

The answers will be printed in upcoming posts.

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