Saturday, November 05, 2011

Why do i yell at the storm?

Calming of the Storm  Mark 4:35-41

The waves started breaking against the boat so that it was almost swamped.  But Jesus’ head was on the cushion asleep.  They woke him and said, “Don’t you care?”  He said to the wind and sea,” Quiet.  Be calm.”  Then he said to them, “Why are you so frightened?  Don’t you have faith?”

God is not in the frenzy.  In Matthew’s version (8:23)  the storm came without warning.  It became an actual and real, not imagined, problem.  In Luke’s version (8:22) the boat started taking in water and they found themselves in danger.

Several guys in a boat crossing the lake to the other side.  Quickly and suddenly a storm comes an begins to fill their boat with water.  Panic sets in as they fear for their own safety.

The apostles felt that Jesus didn’t care about them.  In the midst of the storm they were scared.  They had reason to be- the storm had come without warning.  The boat was taking in water so that they were actually in danger.

                Been there.  Done that.

Living life according to the usual routine when all of a sudden I get a phone call that someone I love is in serious trouble.  I try to fix the problem and/or support the person.  But the problem doesn’t go away.  OR the person doesn’t like the way I tried to help.  OR I doubt I can help at all and freeze in the tracks.  Pick one.  It doesn’t really matter which one.  I begin to panic and worry.  That certainly doesn’t help person’s situation or me.  Nothing is improving.  Things actually seem worse.  Coming up empty I ask friends for their ideas and support.  Some produce temporary solutions.  After that my quieted panic and fea resurface.  Then I may turn into a Job opposite.  Instead of trusting God thru every ordeal I become frustrated, frenzied, depressed or angry.  But being angry at the raging sea that is filling up the little boat of mty life isn’t a very successful manewver.  Even the apostles didn’t try that one.  They just woke Jesus up and complained to him


The moral of the story is trust God even tho you may be in real danger.  Yelling at the storm isn’t very productive.

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