Sunday, August 27, 2006

An Astonishing Offer

I quiet myself and relax in the presence of God.
I declare my dependency on God.
I ask for the gift of experiencing God's care, goodness, kindness and faithfulness to me.
"God called me before I was born. From my mother's womb God pronounced my name." (Isa 49:1)

  • I reflect how, in my life history, I have been carried and sustained by the love I have received.
  • I recall the many ways in which this love was made visible e.g. thru provision for my physical needs, thru supportive relationships, thru the enjoyment of life and a sense of purpose.
  • I become aware that these gifts have been a part of God's plan for me. I allow myself to experience the security and freedom of God's particular care and choice of me.
  • In light of this experience of all God has done for me, I imagine and record in my journal how the contract/commitment God has offered to me might appear if written

I, God, as your creator, do hereby agree to love you ____ unconditionally. I will manifest this love within the circumstances and reality of your life.

I will support you by ________________.

I will nourish you __________________.

I will give you ____________________.

I will __________________________.

The conditions of this commitment have been effective from the moment of my first thought of you. This offer is exempt from ever being terminated.

Love, God.


I ____________ as your creature and beloved, do promise to respond to your love and generosity. I will manifest this generosity to you within the circumstances and reality of my life.

I will support you by _____________________.

I will nourish you ______________________.

I will give you ________________________.

I will _____________________________.

The conditions of this commitment are totally dependent upon your grace in my life. This commitment is conditioned by the discernment of Your will in my life.

Signed _________________________

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