Monday, June 05, 2006

Examination of Conscience

The following is a thorough examination of conscience. Hopefully it can be helpful in your prayerful, personal reflection.

Sinfulness at work:

Do I go to my place of work knowing that this is the place God sent me?
Do I arrive prepared and eager to meet God throughout my day?
Do I look for God in everyone I meet throughout the day?
Do I get distracted and upset if things don't go smoothly or if things don't go my way?
Do I give my coworkers good example?
Do my coworkers know I am a Christian? Does my interaction with them indicate this?
Do I worry about my job stability?
Do I worry about anything in the work place so that it distracts me from looking for the gifts God is sending me?
Do I live out Christ's qualities of patience, joy, kindness, and understanding in my work place?
Do I forgive others in the work place when I am misjudged or misunderstood?
Do I work to the best of my ability? Am I just and fair in my dealings with others?
Do I leave my job at the end of the day knowing that I did the best I could, and satisfied that I fulfilled God's role for me this day?

Sinfulness in my Family Life:

Do I see my family as my chosen vocation in life?
Do I look for the good in each person in my family?
Do I appreciate each I tell them that I love and appreciate them?
Do I pray for each member of my family by name?
Do I take my family for granted?
Do I impose my moodiness on my family members?
Am I selfless in my personal decision making with regards to my family? Do I prefer the good of others to my own personal convenience?
Do I pray for guidance in each decision that needs to be made in my family?
Do I reflect Christ's qualities of patience, kindness, joy and understanding to my family?
Is prayer an integral part of my family life?
Do I set a good example to my family by going to Mass, daily private prayer, prayer before Meals?

Personal Sinfulness:

Do I recognize that I am God's beautiful creation?
Do I know and accept the gifts God has given me?
Do I develop and foster the relationship I have with my God through daily prayer?
Do I ask God for forgiveness for the sins I may have committed this day?
Do I seek direction from God in the way that my life continues to unfold?
Do I read Scripture in order to learn more about my God?
Do I thank God daily for the many gifts he has given me?
Do I fear and worry... or do I trust in God's unconditional love for me?
Do I live in peace, knowing that God is my Father and I am his beloved son/daughter?
Do I joyfully live out the Christian life style or do I complain when things don't go the way I think they should be going?
Do I see trials and other difficulties God allows me to experience as gifts from him?
Do I believe I am living out God's will in my life?


I stand in the Jordan and experience the healing flow of the waters upon me. Acknowledging my part in perpetuating the patterns of sinfulness, I pray to be cleansed and refreshed by the waters of God's free gift of grace and love. I beg God for a deep felt understanding of my sin and the disordered tendencies in my life. With Christ at my side, I allow myself to reflect freely, without inhibition. I pray to release any hurt or sorrow with tears, if God desires to grace me in this way.

Reflection of my sinfulness.(examination of conscience)

I turn to God for healing and forgiveness. Laying my wounds, my unfreedoms, my compulsions at the feet of Jesus I humbly acknowledge my need for Him to be my Savior. I thank Jesus for his love and healing. I thank him, too, for the cool water which will symbolize his healing touch and refreshment.
As I move toward the point where I am ready to feel the healing touch of God I walk toward the altar. My movement indicated my willingness to take steps toward being the person I was created to be. My movement also shows my need to be touched by God and to encounter him tonight.

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