Saturday, October 27, 2007


You are my strength, O God, the source of grace. You are my purpose and goal. You are my model. You challenge me and call me to grow. You do not let me stay where I am comfortable but lovingly call me forth. You are the Extreme example of how to love others. You are 1Cor13. You have unbelievable patience and gentleness and accept what I offer you. You are parent and brother, Beloved and friend, spouse and companion, teacher and Lord. You are faithful and loving and available to me day after day, mood after mood, need after need. You are my comfort and peace. You are my hope during struggles and what I look forward to at the end of my days. Ours is a relationship I treasure and work at because I hunger for you. You wisely feed me when I’m hungry but not when I’m full. You pursue me but do not bind me. I am ordinary but special to you. I am overwhelmed by your goodness.

Praise and thanks to you, Lord!

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