Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ONLY READ THIS if u r over 40!

I'm so excited about this!  It all makes so much sense that I had to share it.  It's a great book about the spirituality of the "second half of life".    

 Falling Upward by R. Rohr  

In the second half of life we become (hopefully) a person of wisdom.  Wisdom happily lives with mystery, doubt and unknowing.  In such living, the mystery resolves itself.  In the second half of life
·        We return to simplicity
·        Even painful parts and people belong
·        If we’ve forgiven ourselves for falling we can now forgive others
·        We can hold sadness with less anxiety (St. John of the Cross’ “luminous darkness”)
·        Our superiority complex is seen as ego based and we learn to ignore it
·        Most attacks on evil, we learn, just produce another kind of evil and inflate our self-image
·        In the second half of life we influence events, work for change, quietly persuade, change ourselves, pray and forgive
·        This half of life is more about the 8 Beatitudes than about the 10 Commandments
·        Fewer words are needed
·        Life is more participatory than assertive because God has taken care of things
·        We no longer need to collect goods because it’s time to give back
·        We are now more than ever before in a position to change people but we don’t need to.

As St. Augustine put it in his Confessions,

“You were within, but I was without.  You were with me, but I was not with you.   So you called, you shouted, you broke through my deafness, you flared, blazed and banished my blindness, you lavished your fragrance and I gasped.”

This shining person is the goal of humanity and the delight of God.

Falling Upward by R. Rohr (Ch 10)

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Even your name is holy.  It's not Emily or Robert.  Your name isn't Lisa or Michael.  They're just names.  You don't have JUST a name.  Your name is God, Jesus Christ, Savior of the World.  You are the very Spirit of unconditional love and mercy for others.  "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow whether on the earth or under the earth and every tongue proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. "  No one says my name and genuflects.  No one bows their head as they say the name of anyone I know.  But you, my Lord and God, are SO full of goodness that even the sound of your name is awesome and deserving of respect.
,,,,oh my gosh!