Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord

Eucharist – consume what was the host and is now an opportunity to be one with Jesus. I need to receive Him in order to be more like Him and less like me. More graces, blessings, gifts thru Eucharist, sacraments, prayer, fellowship. I need a lot of help to stay on track!

  • Taste Jesus thru prayer – I can be intimate with Jesus and look at Him eye to eye in prayer. Being completely honest with Jesus about myself creates that intimacy. Jesus returns the gift by faithfully sharing His love and attention with me. He encourages and challenges me. That soul to soul connection tastes Jesus.

    Taste Jesus thru life – That’s about not shying away from opportunities for growth. I can choose to remain safe and in control of my own little world to some degree or I can grow. I can go where God leads me, reach out to others by taking the initiative to do so. I can look for Jesus’ features and characteristics in others. I can listen actively for his words coming through the mouths of others. But this isn’t a spectator sport. Tasting Jesus in life is about going, growing, reaching, looking and listening. It’s not about watching, waiting and being comfortable.

    To know Jesus is to love Him. So when I taste, I see.
  • I participate actively in Jesus’ plan.
  • I learn of Jesus’ mercy and faithfulness when I fail.
  • I feel Jesus’ confidence in me.
  • I recognize him better in the people, places and situations around me.
  • I am more intimately connected to him.

and I hunger for him more.


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